Most of the movies he appeared in pre-Deadpool didn't really make the best use of his talents. Look, I'll be honest, as I always try to be, I've always enjoyed Ryan Reynolds' work, I think he's a better actor than most people give him credit for, but he doesn't always appear in the best of movies.

Real Genius is actually good, this one, eh, isn't that good in the slightest. Oh and there's one other difference and, really, it's the biggest possible difference.
#National lampoon van wilder dailymotion movie#
The only real difference is that Van Wilder is a much more raunchy movie than Real Genius. I think I even mentioned this in my review of Real Genius. The first thing I noticed about this movie is how much Reynolds' performance in this movie reminds me of Val Kilmer's performance in Real Genius. Thought it'd be interesting to revisit this movie as I did another Reynolds movie (Waiting) last week. I never did, I always thought he was really talented and funny and I think that I became a fan of his, back in the day at least, as a result of this movie, which I actually bought when I was 14.

And I remember a time, pre-Deadpool, where a lot of people (on the internet, of course) hated Reynolds. With that said, this is very much the movie that introduced Ryan Reynolds to the world. Ryan Reynolds may never win an Oscar, but he already has the role and/or character of a lifetime and that is Deadpool and, you know what, to me, that's cooler than winning an Oscar. Like, seriously, it was apparent from day one, there IS no one else to play this character. Another thing is the fact, and this isn't even related to the movie itself, that Ryan Reynolds was absolutely born to play Deadpool. But, really, this movie predates all the craziness that would go down. Tara Reid has been her own worst enemy in terms of her career. Part of that is her clear lack of talent, but I think she's clearly not the best person to have on set, she seems like she's not that stable even at the best of times. I think Tara, at this point in time at least, didn't really bother to improve since she was, really, only cast because she was hot, so why would you need to learn to be good at something when you're only cast for your looks? That's why, outside of the Sharknado franchise, you don't really see Tara in many movies anymore. Ashton Kutcher and Tara, in that movie, were one of the worst rom-com pairings I've ever seen. If any of you have ever seen My Boss's Daughter then you've bared witness to how awful she can be. Not that anyone has ever claimed that she's good, I just feel the need to point this out. And, really, let's not put a gender on this, Tara Reid is one of the worst actors, male or female, that I have ever seen.

You know, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, I know I have on one review that's on RottenTomatoes, said review is not up on Letterboxd, but I legitimately think that Tara Reid is one of the worst actresses I have ever seen, bar none.